Talk School’s
Outpatient Therapy
Talk School offers a comprehensive, full-day program that combines intensive therapeutic and academic support for children with Autism and other severe speech and language disorders.
Occupational Therapy
Sensory Integration Approach
A Relational Approach
Motor Learning/Motor Development
Talk School is a Certified Therasuit Provider
Speech Therapy
Articulation/motor speech disorders
Receptive and expressive language testing
Assessment of voice and fluency
Treatment of motor speech disorders, including Childhood Apraxia of Speech and dysarthria.
Treatment of other speech/language disorders, difficulties with auditory processing, memory and sustained attention.
Interactive Metronome
Structured, goal-oriented program that challenges the patient to synchronize a range of whole body exercises to a precise computer-generated beat.
Call us at 610.356.5566 or contact us below for more information about our programs.